H. Austin Snyder Elementary

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From the Desk of the Elementary Principal

Welcome to the newly updated Sayre Area School District website. The purpose of this webpage is to provide parents, students, and our school community with easy access to a wide of information on our school district’s programs, policies, and activities. As the elementary principal, I am looking forward to the upcoming school year, as the kindergarten through sixth-grade classrooms will once again be engaging in activities that both inspire our students and challenge them to reach their highest potential. This year we will continue to focus on improving student achievement through a variety of instructional programs, including our newly adopted Reveal Math program by McGraw Hill.

We believe that there are numerous opportunities, both within our curricula and through extracurricular activities at both the elementary school and Jr./Sr. High school, for our students to gain the skills that will allow them to be successful in their lives after graduating from high school.

I highly encourage you, as parents/guardians, to become engaged in our school and help us to educate our students. Parents have the opportunity to join our Parent Teacher Group and participate in many of the fun and exciting activities that they offer to our students. I am also reminded each day of the great students and families that our staff have the privilege of working with each year. I, along with the staff, look forward to continuing to work together in order to help support the success of each of our students.

If you need general information or wish to directly contact staff at H. Austin Snyder Elementary School, please feel free to use the Staff Directory on the website or call (570) 888-7742.

Looking forward to a wonderful and exciting school year!


Mrs. Michelle L. Murrelle

H. Austin Snyder Elementary Principal