A big thank you to our wonderful cafeteria ladies for always stepping up and helping us with our crazy cooking ideas! There was no better way to celebrate letter C than making homemade yummy cookies and we couldn't have done it without you! Another huge thank you to Mrs. Torres for coming in to volunteer and Mr. Torres for saving the day with a last minute butter and egg run!
It’s time for the 2024 National School Bus Safety Week Poster
Contest and PennDOT needs your help to spread the word.
2024-2025 Kindergarten Registration.
Congrats to Ada Mosier and Ashlyn Johnson! These students represented Sayre School District in the Regional Spelling Bee.🐝
Layla's season came to an end. Layla thank you for a GREAT season and for always making us Redskin PROUD!
As part of our Dr. Seuss Week we celebrated wear our favorite Team/Jersey Day. Even rivals can be friends!
To purchase your tickets visit the following website: https://our.show/themusicmansayre
Advanced tickets online are $10 for adults and $8 for Seniors/ Students
Tickets at the door will be $ 12 for adults and $10 for Seniors/ Students.
The ticket booth at the school will be open for 2 hours prior to the show.
Our Lady Redskin, Layla Bennett drops to the consolations round at the PIAA Women's Wrestling Tournament.
Still fighting for her place on the podium!
She believes she can and she WILL! ❤️💙
The Community Relations/Wellness Committee meeting scheduled for Monday, March 11,2024 has been canceled.
The March Artist of the Month at SHS is Alivia Barrett. Alivia is pictured with Katie Johnston from Stone House Retirement Income Planners and art teacher, Ashley Koopmann. Stone House is graciously displaying student artwork at their office in downtown Sayre and presented Alivia with a gift card to Celebrations Black Diamond Cafe.
Congratulations, Layla on her VICTORY!! 7-3 decision in the first round of the PIAA Women Wrestling State Tournament' ❤️💙
Sayre High School drama club are scheduled to preform The Music Man on March 22, 23, 24.
There is a desperate need for pit orchestra members -- specifically for piano, trombone, and woodwind doubling.
Practice begins March 15.
There is a stipend attached to each position.
There is still time to join the Sayre HS and Jr. high track teams. So far we have doubled our numbers from last year and looking to add more! Track is not only running but offers a variety of events to compete in. In track no one sits the bench, no matter your ability, you get to compete in the meets. If you play a fall or winter sport, we can help you improve your basic skills such as jumping, speed, and endurance, rather than doing nothing till next year!
March dress sales.
Kid's Movie Night, sponsored by the SHS National Honor Society!
Professional Openings for the 2024-2025 school year.
The softball team is having an apparel shop through Rainbow Lettering! The shop will be open through March 15, 2024 at 9:00 AM. Shop Link: https://sayre-softball-spring-2024.itemorder.com/
This past Friday the senior all night grad party parent group hosted a student & staff volleyball tournament at SHS. Five teams made up of staff and students participated.
The championship game came down to the staff team of The Rulers (Mrs. Ely, Mrs. Abbey, Mr. Claypool, Mr. Craig, Mr. Krall & Mr. Roy) vs. The Back Court Babes student team (Nick Pellicano, Hudson Trump, Karter Green, Declan Barry, Dalton Forrest & Ryan Ressler - they also featured a sharply dressed Liam Barry as their head coach). The Rulers played hard and took the victory in a very close final game! A big thanks to all the helping hands involved that helped make this event a success!
The Ronald McDonald house needs our help!